11 September 2015 | HOME - Vancouver WA
24 August 2015 | 46 11.4'N:123 51.4'W, Port of Astoria Marina
22 August 2015 | 46 42.0'N:132 09,4'W, 330 West of CR Bouy, Astoria
21 August 2015 | 46 41.8'N:136 13.8'W, 500 West of Astoria
20 August 2015 | 46 22.82'N:140 28.00'W, East end of High
20 August 2015 | 46 22.80'N:140 28.32'W, Middle of High Same as Fish
20 August 2015 | 46 22.79'N:140 28.57'W, Middle of High
20 August 2015 | 46 22.7'N:140 30.2'W, 675 Miles West of CR
20 August 2015 | 45 57.6'N:144 54.0'W, East End of the High
18 August 2015 | 44 38.2'N:147 57.0'W, 1000 NM to Astoria
18 August 2015 | 43 31.0'N:150 28.0'W, 1126 NM to Astoria
17 August 2015 | 41 40.1'N:153 00.1'W, 1200 miles West of Astoria
16 August 2015 | 39 30.1'N:154 53.1'W, West end of the North Pacific High
15 August 2015 | 37 34.5'N:156 00.0'W, 1011 North of Oahu
15 August 2015 | 37 04.5'N:156 23.0'W, 983 North of Oahu
14 August 2015 | 34 12.3'N:157 26.1'W, 800 North of Oahu
13 August 2015 | 31 50.0'N:158 06.5'W, 650 North of Oahu
12 August 2015 | 29 02.0'N:158 51.0'W, 330 North of Oahu
11 August 2015 | 26 32.0'N:158 59.0'W, 330 North of Oahu
09 August 2015 | 23 44.1'N:158 49.4'W, 140 N of Oahu
Water Shortage
04 September 2014 | 19 07.96'S:178 34.30'W, Vulaga or Fulaga
The islands of the Southern Lau group have been experiencing a severe shortage of water these past few weeks. There has been almost no rain since we left here in late June and now all there fresh water supplies are about dried up. The 3 villages are now rationing what little water remains Â- which means no more clothes washing or bathing, unless you do it in the sea. So today we spent the better part of the day making water to give to Naivindamu. After Moses, the chief, made five trips out to Orcinius with his out-rigger canoe and a 50 gallon barrel. The first trip included his three young helpers. But with the added weight of the three boys, we could only fill the barrel 1/3 of the way or they were in danger of tipping over! So they didnÂ't make the next 4 trips out with the chief. We were able to give them about 140 gallons of fresh water. Hopefully that will get them through the next several days as there is a government vessel that is suppose to arrive some time in the nex t few weeks to supply them with fresh water Â- but who know when that will arrive.
Later in the day John and I took a dingy ride over to a mega-yacht anchored in another part of the lagoon about 2 miles away. ItÂ's a 210 foot motor yacht named Dragon Fly Â- when you add in the floating dock attached to the back end for all their play toys (jet skies, 40 foot fishing tender, etc.) they are a big as a football field. Amazing. Oh Â- and did I mention their float plane parked nearby? So anyway, we talked with the Captain and the owner about the critical water situation with the three villages and how they were too proud to ask anyone for help. They were unaware of the situation and said they would be glad to refill any of the villages plastic containers that came by. They make 10 tons of water a day. ThatÂ's a lot of water! Anyway Â- they were very nice and very willing to help out. They are here in the lagoon until Saturday afternoon. We have put the word out to the 3 villages. They each have a fiberglass boat or two with an engine, so they do have a means of findi ng their way over there. And now it will be up to them to approach the mega yacht and refill their containers.