Things are coming off the top of Orcinius in a fast and furious way! Yesterday morning we un-stepped the mast over at John the Cannibals, who lives at the head of the mangrove entrance. The weather was calm and all went quite smoothly, thanks to lots of help! Alferedi met us there with a few of his friends and that made all the difference. Here are some pics of how the day went.
Orcinius tied up on one side to the mangrove roots.
Looking out the entrance to the mangroves. And a look at the solar panels covered with the wood panels John built on Saturday.
The crane arriving at John the Cannibals.
Alferedi and his friends helping the crane get set.
David getting ready to go up the mast.
David wrapping the belt around the spreaders, then attaching it to the crane hook.
Lifting the mast towards shore.
The crane attached at the top spreader.
Getting ready to lay the mast on the cradle that John and Alferedi built alongside the shed.
Gradually getting it set on the cradle. Nice job guys!
David and Malo pulling all the chain out of the chain locker, getting it ready to clean.
They also got the chain locker cleaned out, and packed and stowed the little dingy today. We are on schedule for getting Orcinius all prepped and ready for cyclone season. That's all for today!