Lisa / Weather today is very windy and overcast - a good day for blogging
It has been busy!! But finally slowing down as we wait for our weather window to go east. It has given me some time to finally catch up on all the pictures we've taken. This first post gets me caught up on Suva - next post will be Savu Savu. Here we go...
This first one is actually from Port Denarau - I love this one of Moses!
Moses reporting for duty aboard Orcinius in his brand new uniform!
After a non-eventful overnight passage to Suva (other than what John wrote about - wondering if we had lost a prop on our way out of Denarau), we arrived in Suva in a downpour. It poured so hard you could hardly see past the bow. John and Moses were up on the bows in fowlies pointing the way as we maneuvered in to drop the hook just out from the Royal Suva Yacht Club. Malo was already I Suva attending his sister's wedding. He joined us later in the day, and we spent the evening preparing for the US Visa Interview - going over possible questions, reviewing the files we had submitted for the guys, and talking about what would take place (like finger prints, etc). The next morning we awoke early to get everyone ready.
Having some breakfast before heading ashore.
Gather all the paperwork to bring to the embassy.

Waiting for our taxi. Moses and Malo looking quite handsome in their Orcinius Uniforms!
And as you all know, if you've read our previous posts - the interviews were a huge success! Each received a 29 day crew visa for Hawaii, and a 1 year tourist visa for mainland US. I think they just set a new record!! So off we go to get some provisioning done.
Moses and Malo making a selection of canned tuna and corned beef.
Malo's job was to make sure John didn't put anything 'extraneous' in the cart - like 8 bottles of lime juice. We caught him on a few things, but I still found he snuck a few items that were definitely not on the list - like a 4 pound bag of sunflower seeds!
Once I got everything sorted out - Then to figure out where to put it all!
It's definitely a greater challenge provisioning for 4 people instead of the usual 2 (or 3 when Walt joins us). And we are looking ahead all the way to Hawaii for most of our stuff. If we have some quick turns in Samoa and Christmas Island we wont have much time to shop.
Moses has sacrificed some of the space in his cabin for our dry goods.
We also got Malo's eyes checked and purchased some new contact lenses for him while in Suva. We want him to be able to see well when he is standing watch at night. So the first few days I helped him get his eyes in. Not sure who is braver - Malo or me!!
Enjoying some birthday cake that we bought at the mall.
We also took some time to go see the museum in Suva. Malo is standing in front of a drua, one very similar to what his grandfather is famous for building. His grandfather built the largest known in Fiji, it was 36 meters long (that's almost a 120 feet!) and called the Rusaivanua, and is noted in the museum. The one displayed here in the museum is only 1/3 that size.
The shelter built aboard the drua.
This is line made out of the fibrous husk of the coconut shell. It is extremely strong and used for nets in fishing and for building druas.
This one is for Walt. There is a large section dedicated to the history of cannibalism. Very gruesome, but very interesting!
Fiji has an extremely interesting past. Between invasions and visitors, sugar cane, sandal wood and beche de mere - a lot has been going on these past few hundred years!
After the museum we had a chance to go visit Ana and her family while she was a few days in Suva.
Here is Ana with her Mom who spent many years in the US.
Having some afternoon kava with her husband and two sons. And the guys having a good laugh at John trying to sit with his legs crossed!
Passing the bilo around.
After our visit with Ana's family we headed over to David's maritime academy to see their simulator. They just installed 2 brand new ones the week prior. It was very impressive! The simulator room was surrounded by very large screens and control consoles of a large freight type ship in the center. They had us in Auckland harbor - with day turning to night, and the seas stirring up into a storm! Excellent graphics! Very fun! From there we headed back to the Royal Suva Yacht Club to have a few last beers with David for awhile.

Saying our goodbyes to David (aka Tevita).
The next day was spent saying more goodbyes. Jiu and the kids came for a visit in the afternoon.
John with Maka and Joseph.
Uncle Malo with Joseph.

Our good friend Batai was also able to stop by for a short visit. We first met him last year in Fulaga where he was stationed as a nurse his first year out of school.
Saying goodbye to Suva! On to new adventures!
And now onto pictures from Savu Savu...