We have been staying busy in Savu Savu waiting for the weather to clear. It has been rainy, and the wind has been howling these past few days. And it's been a bit cold - even for John and I! But it looks like things will start to ease over the weekend, and we are looking at Monday as our departure day. First planned stop will be Apia, Western Samoa!
In the mean time, this is what we've been up to:
The guys never get tired of fishing. Even in a downpour Moses is on the back stoop trying to get a bite.
He was rewarded with a little rock cod - unfortunately, not enough there for dinner - let alone a light lunch.
Every few days we leave our mooring and head out to empty holding tanks, make water, do a little fishing, and other various chores. Last Wednesday we put the anchor down in front of Cousteau Resort again - everyone got a haircut and went for a swim.
Malo and Moses spend a fair amount of time up in the conning tower on rainy days - listening to music - napping - and who knows what else. Probably praying for good passage weather.
The rainy days have given us a few nice sunsets in the evening.
The boys also found some time to make some more boat brew. Next batch up - Bavarian Wheat.
Mixing the brew together.
Moses loves to take pictures of himself!
We've also had plenty of time to work on our musical repertoire. We pulled everything out the other night - amps, microphones, and even my dry erase board to write out the chords. And we made a lot of noise! But we are getting better!
And more delicious "lovo" aboard Orcinius. BBQ chicken legs!
And now just a couple more days to get the last of the list crossed off - top off the diesel, bottle the home brew, and buy some vegies.
That is the latest from our side of the world, all for now.