We have finally departed Fiji.
The blue sky started to come out just as we pulled away from our mooring ball around 11am this morning. Isa Lei was blaring on the stereo - the goodbye song of Fiji, and we wave goodbye to everyone we pass.
We are currently in between islands with just enough internet coverage to post our last blog from Fiji. It was a busy morning as we made the rounds before departure. Stopping by the butcher one last time, paying our mooring fees, going to the market for vegetables, the bread store, the grocery store, and of course, Customs & Immigration to check out.
We actually waited quite some time at Customs & Immigration - much longer than usual. They wanted to interview Moses and Malo one last time to make sure they were really going aboard Orcinius of their own free will, and to make sure John and I were going to take good care of them. So we were both taken to separate rooms where they conducted the final interviews before finally stamped our passports. Whew!! For a bit there we thought something might be wrong - and this whole planning and preparing was for nothing! They told us they needed a letter from their families confirming that they approved of them going with us! Yikes! In the end, it all worked out, and they were just looking out for the best interest of their Fijian citizens. But it gave us a bit of a scare!
The last few days have been filled with sharing meals and saying more goodbyes to friends. On Sunday Filo and Josaia had us over for a terrific meal - she made 3 different main meals! Lots of food and all very good!
The spread that Filo and Dodo prepared: chili chicken (my personal favorite!), chow mein, and an excellent curry!
We spend our last evening doing a dingy flotilla at sunset in Savu Savu bay rafted up with Pat and John, and a fiber that Josaia borrowed from shore. We had a fun mix of ukulele jamming with familiar songs, and the guys also serenaded us with some beautiful Fijian music. It was a relaxing and very fun evening.
Malo and Moses serenading us before Josaia arrived.
Pat ready to jam on her ukulele.
The guys singing in the dingy!
Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to our very good friend Josaia - until we see him again.
Moses chomping at the bit to get going this morning!! with Orcinius in the background waiting!
Lisa chomping at the bit to get going too! Ready!!!
And tonight it is steely gray outside, but not much rain. It is calming down as we come into the lee of Taveuni Island this evening.
Malo at the watch as evening approaches.
John got his boat brew bottled as we rounded the corner today - so a new batch to look forward to in about 3 weeks - which will work out well for our Hawaii arrival! And now he has a pot of spaghetti in the works - time to get ready for dinner!
All is well, and all for now aboard Orcinius!