Doing some catch up. Here are some pics from the passage:
We caught a nice size mahi mahi on the way!
Moses showing us how he skins it as opposed to filleting it and missing a lot of the meat.
And that is what a skinned mahi looks like!
And a meatless mahi.
Malo working hard at sleeping.
And this was an all too familiar seen on this short passage. Back and forth into the engine compartments. I will still let John tell the story on all that in another blog.
Thursday morning was one of those amazing days when there is hardly a ripple on the water - it was absolutely gorgeous! And we had 2 engines giving us fits! We could have been doing 10 knots easy!
Western Samoa lies just 50 mile over the horizon.
John was exhausting after 15 or 20 times in and out of the engine compartments.
And so were the guys.
Raising the Samoan flag as we get closer!
Land Ho! Or at least the little island next to Upolu - we still had several hours to get to Apia and so we arrived in the dark.
Orcinius at the dock in Apia Marina. Nice docks, but not much else for facilities here - oh, other than the restaurant/bar overlooking the marina! That works!
And so we decided to blow off some passage steam last night and party with the locals. Here are just some of the pictures we took last night!
This is the before picture!
The guys looked great in their matching Orcinius shirts. And ready to party!
It's starting to get crazy in here!
Moses looking a little concerned over Malo's beer drinking habits.
Please don't attempt this at home!
Malo just keeps getting happier!
And happier! I think he's really happy to be in Apia!
Don't we look great in our headbands!
Okay - now back to reality.
This is what the guys have been up to the last 2 days. It is about 90% done - just need some plumbing and electrical things to wrap it up.
But at least the weather and the view is beautiful.
So tomorrow we are taking the day off and doing an island tour.
Looks like we will be here until at least Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Good thing because I am liking this place!!
All for now!
So the guys have been attacking the water-maker for 2 days straight now.