Quite the gale has been blowing through today, accompanied this morning by torrential downpours. I'm pleased to report that so far we appear to have stemmed the numerous leaks that revealed themselves over the course of the very wet and soggy summer. We were able to commandeer a vehicle from Bill, one of the yard guys and now have clean laundry and a restocked larder. We also seem to have even more beer aboard than when we departed last week - I suppose that is a good thing!
So we are hoping it will be all systems go for departure tomorrow morning. We don't really have a definite float plan at this point, we are going to review the weather forecasts again in the morning and see which way the wind is blowing!
The photos show Tom's final projects of the summer - a very handy i-pod holder and a snazzy stand for his shaving brush to dry on. Apparently it's is bad for the bristles to lay it down!
Here's hoping tomorrow's post is from somewhere different.