Written en-route Cape May, NJ, 10/14 3.20pm.
After a sounds nights sleep we woke to a nice sunny day with gentle winds from the North. We reviewed the various weather forecasts and all looked good to go. We planned on leaving at noon so we wouldn't have to sail around in circles if we got to Cape May too early but neither of us is very good at just hanging around when we know we've got places to go. So we dropped the lines at 10.30am. The above photo is a shot looking north up the Varrazano Narrows with Manhattan in the far distant background. We are kind of sad we didn't get to stop at the 79th street Boat Basin this year and we would have loved to visit Zabar's again, but we are anxious to get South and warmer temps. Unfortunately the forecast 15 knot winds are nowhere to be found and we are motor-sailing along about 2-3 miles of the Jersey Shore. I will enter our co-ordinates so the map on the right side bar should show our current position. I forgot to mention that we now need Westerly winds so please think "West" for us. Of course having had steady W winds for the last 3 weeks we now have winds out of the East and it is bloody chilly - see photo!
Anyway all is well aboard Osprey - I have just made us a cup of tea and we will have chicken soup and bagels for supper. Should be at Cape May by 7.00am tomorrow. We had a text message from Jarrod - he arrived safely in Norfolk this morning so well done for him - we are full of admiration.