We are here! Finally, some warm weather and lovely sunshine. We had a tough journey down from Cape May, the forecast Westerlies were nowhere in sight and instead we had steady SouthWesterly winds blowing about 12-15 knots (we were traveling south-west!). Not only that but the seas were awful and we were slamming into 3 foot chop the whole way. The only consolation was that it was a beautiful sunny day and then a crystal clear starlit night. The sunrise this morning was amazing and followed shortly thereafter by sightings of Dolphins and Pelicans - an indication that we had arrived in the south. It took us several hours to reach the anchorage here in Norfolk where we jostled for position with a lot of French-Canadian boats. Our day was complete when we spied Blessed Spirit here in the anchorage. After establishing radio contact we arranged to head over to them for celebratory drinks - Ahhh we are cruising at last!
The photo shows the amazing sunset from last night. The second photo shows our little hitch-hiker who joined us for part of the way- a little yellow rumped warbler. As you can see he was very tired.
Total distance: 168nm
Time taken: 30 1/2 hours