Cruising with Osprey

28 July 2011
27 July 2011
26 July 2011
25 July 2011
23 July 2011
17 July 2011
17 July 2011
16 July 2011
15 July 2011
14 July 2011
13 July 2011
08 July 2011

Norfolk, VA

21 October 2009
We are here! Finally, some warm weather and lovely sunshine. We had a tough journey down from Cape May, the forecast Westerlies were nowhere in sight and instead we had steady SouthWesterly winds blowing about 12-15 knots (we were traveling south-west!). Not only that but the seas were awful and we were slamming into 3 foot chop the whole way. The only consolation was that it was a beautiful sunny day and then a crystal clear starlit night. The sunrise this morning was amazing and followed shortly thereafter by sightings of Dolphins and Pelicans - an indication that we had arrived in the south. It took us several hours to reach the anchorage here in Norfolk where we jostled for position with a lot of French-Canadian boats. Our day was complete when we spied Blessed Spirit here in the anchorage. After establishing radio contact we arranged to head over to them for celebratory drinks - Ahhh we are cruising at last!

The photo shows the amazing sunset from last night. The second photo shows our little hitch-hiker who joined us for part of the way- a little yellow rumped warbler. As you can see he was very tired.

Total distance: 168nm
Time taken: 30 1/2 hours
Vessel Name: Osprey
Vessel Make/Model: Shannon38 #33
Hailing Port: East Greenwich, RI
Crew: Tom & Vicky Worosz
About: We have cruised to the Bahamas and back twice ad are now back on land for a while. This Summer (2012) we have outfitted ourseleves with motorcycles and are heading off for a month long "land cruise'

Who: Tom & Vicky Worosz
Port: East Greenwich, RI