Here we are in Charleston, South Carolina! We pulled anchor in Wrighstville, NC, at 06.30am just as it was getting light. We then headed down the ICW to the Cape Fear River (stopping to top off fuel and water tanks at a handy marina on the way). Once we made it into the River our speed was boosted by the ebbing current and we were on our way! It was a grey, cloudy day but the forecast North winds were blowing and we were optimistic we would have a good sail - we were not disappointed. Once we were spat out of the River we hoisted all sail, switched off the engine and were off. The wind stayed steadfastly out of the North - a perfect beam reach. It did build in strength however until we were down to a double reefed main and jib and still were on target to arrive at Charleston in the dark. After one particularly lusty gust which had us surfing down a wave at 9 knots, we furled in the jib completely and sailed along much more steadily under the staysail - thanks heavens for a cutter rig. We sailed the whole way, not switching the engine back on until we were in Charleston Harbor itself. Our only complaint was that the seas were a bit rough and confused so it was difficult to sleep soundly because of the motion of the boat. We both snatched some sleep but didn't feel up to continuing on for another 24 hours to Florida. We arrived in Charleston at 7.00am and had to wait until 8 to call the Maritime Center. We totally lucked out (Grandma's luck!) as they had had a cancellation and were able to squeeze us in. This is our favorite place to stop - good price with a Boat US discount, close to the wonderful City and only 2 blocks from a great Harris Teeter grocery store. We are able to wheel the cart from the store to the boat - as seen in the picture. We always feel a bit like "bag" people but actually Tom is truly in "High Cotton" as our cart contains a case of beer, 3 boxes of wine plus a "good" bottle to have with dinner tonight. We are staying here tomorrow and hope to head out to Fernandina Beach on Thursday - another 24 hour run. We really hope the weather forecast holds - as we hope to meet our dear cruising friends from "Charisma" and "Legacy" in or around Fernandina Beach on the weekend.
Nav Notes: Total trip=151.8 nm in 24 hours (with about 5 hours on the ICW)
Total mileage to date=896 nm (1,030 statute miles)