We had a wonderful stay at Cumberland Island. We spent yesterday (Monday) hiking the island to the north of the ruins. It is a super combination of walking along a forested inland trail and then back along the Atlantic Beach. We spied a new boat in the harbor and saw that it was "Peace" from East Greenwich, RI so we dinghied over and took Ann for a walk along the trails with us. She and her husband, Neville are getting on a bit (she told me Neville is in his 70's) but they still sail down to the Bahamas from RI every winter. They had just done the overnight trip from Charleston and Neville was napping, Ann however was full of beans! She is an amazing lady and some years ago crossed the Atlantic, single handed in a Shannon 28. Legacy and Osprey had cocktails and a lovely pot-luck supper aboard Legacy and then it was back to Osprey for a sound night's sleep.
This morning we pulled anchor at 7.00am and made the short run up the St. Mary's River. We have never visited this charming town but have heard lots about it as being one of the most cruiser friendly towns on the waterway. This is illustrated by the fact that the town hosts a Thanksgiving Dinner for all the cruisers anchored on the river - sometimes over a hundred boats! Sadly we are too early for Thanksgiving but it was "open house" in the town which meant all the shops had snacks and drinks laid out for sampling. Indeed everyone was very friendly. It was nice to stroll the picturesque main street and browse the shops. We are now back aboard - there is some heavy rain in the immediate forecast so we are hunkering down and planning on staying here tomorrow to let this system (including the remnants of Hurricane Ida) blow through. Then we will resume our southwards trek down the ICW with Legacy. We are trying to time our arrival in Titusville in time for the shuttle launch next week - but we will see how that works out.