Cruising with Osprey

28 July 2011
27 July 2011
26 July 2011
25 July 2011
23 July 2011
17 July 2011
17 July 2011
16 July 2011
15 July 2011
14 July 2011
13 July 2011
08 July 2011

Much to be thankful for

26 November 2009 | Lake Worth, FL
We finally pulled ourselves away from the comfort of Stuart and spent today, Thanksgiving Day, chugging down the ICW. We had a good day, got through many bridges, and anchored here in Lake Worth in time for a cup of tea this afternoon. Although the day started out cloudy and gray, the sun was shining by the time we were sipping our cuppa's. We have million dollar views, we have a comfortable, well found boat, good food on the table and each other - truly much to be thankful for. I hope all our friends had a good Thanksgiving too.
Vessel Name: Osprey
Vessel Make/Model: Shannon38 #33
Hailing Port: East Greenwich, RI
Crew: Tom & Vicky Worosz
About: We have cruised to the Bahamas and back twice ad are now back on land for a while. This Summer (2012) we have outfitted ourseleves with motorcycles and are heading off for a month long "land cruise'

Who: Tom & Vicky Worosz
Port: East Greenwich, RI