Osprey was on the move again this morning as we dropped the ball, headed across Biscayne Bay, past Stiltsville, and into the Hawk Channel. Stiltsville is really neat, these houses are built on stilts on shoals quite a distance from the mainland. At one time there was quite a community but over the years some houses were lost to hurricanes and now the remaining ones are part of the State Park and no longer permanently habited. Once into Hawk Channel we had some great wind for the first half of our trip and were sailing along on a close reach. It was warm and sunny, the water is amazingly blue and clear and it is disconcerting to be able to see the bottom until you realise that in fact it is 12 feet deep! The winds did die down in the afternoon so we had to resort to motorsailing to our destination for the night. We anchored at Rodriguez Key in time for a cup of tea. The sunset was spectacular tonight and all is well aboard.