An excercise in futility!
23 February 2010 | Marathon!!!*#**!
We are now officially frustrated! The weather gods and forcasters are just not co-operating at all. All that bloody beer has been in and out of storage 4 times as we take our bikes on and off the boat. One day we are all set to go... the next the forecast has changed and we are staying. Then the next day it looks like we can go again and so on and so on. But, we are still here, having missed the only good window last Saturday. But it is only in retrospect that it was a good window because the NOAA forecast put us off and it turns out they were wrong - curses!!! There are now 2 more really strong fronts on the way which means we are not even thinking of going until after Saturday. At least the weather is nice and warm to today so we cannot be too sad. And at least we are luckier than those who have a tighter schedule than us. I was talking to one lady who has sailed all the way from Canada and has had to give up trying to reach the Bahamas this year because they have to be back again by April so it's just not worth them going - how sad.
So apologies to all - it will be a bit longer before I can post pictures of those clear blue waters.