Slowing Down
01 June 2010 | East River, Mobjack Bay, VA
May 30th - June 1st
Apologies for getting behind in my updates. After all the activity in Yorktown we were ready to slow down a bit so we took Anastasia's recommendation and headed up the East River off Mobjack Bay. It was a lovely sunny day with a nice gentle breeze and we sailed most of the way - perfect. As we headed up this picturesque river we realized that this is obviously a popular spot with the local boaters and of course it was Memorial Day weekend so every man and his dog was out in his boat. Thankfully there are plenty of anchorages and as we got further upstream the crowds thinned out. We dropped anchor just as a mini squall hit but got set just in time - phew! We spent three lovely nights here - the days were calm and peaceful and the crowds thinned out come Monday. In fact we had the river all to ourselves for Monday and Tuesday, sharing our wonderful surroundings with the local wildlife comprising a Bald Eagle, several Ospreys and a large Ray! Oh and also a very noisy, chirpy swallow who came and perched on our jib sheet every morning at 5.00am and tweeted his "Hello" to the rising sun.
We ate well and relaxed, reading our books and taking the time to reflect on our good fortune.
Inexplicably no photo's - sorry!