Thwarted by the weather!
12 June 2010 | Hampton, VA
We reluctantly left Deltaville yesterday. We have had such a good time there we were sad to leave. However, the Northeast beckons and we do have a bit of a deadline for reaching Maine so it is time to move on. We had a nice easy motorsail back down to the Norfolk area. Our plan was to anchor for the night and leave early this morning for Atlantic City, NJ. Unfortunately, the weather Gods had different ideas and our weather review last night showed that if we left today we would be heading into thunderstorms off the New Jersey Coast tonight. So prudence dictates that we wait a day and hopefully we will leave tomorrow instead. We are anchored in Mill Creek, Hampton, VA. There is a large Navy Base on the shore, hence the water tank with the naval insignia! We are hoping to find a way to go ashore and visit Fort Monroe, the largest stone fort ever built in the US.