First Post!
19 May 2007 | Nashua, NH

It is a rainy day in New Hampshire as I write this. I am on-call but it has been fairly quiet today. Tom is hard at work on Osprey in Rhode Island.
As this is our first post I will give a brief background on how we got to this point. We sold our house and most of our belongings last year. We spent summer 2006 cruisng the coast of Maine on our "first" Osprey, a Tartan 34C. We were delighted to find that the crusing life was all we had imagined and more - we definitely wanted to continue. When we got back to RI, we found a lovely Shannon 38 for sale right on our doorstep. We had always been intrigued by these lovely boats as they have a great reputation as blue water boats. "Sea Lore" was in beautiful condition tho' her systems were a little dated. Before we knew it she was ours. We posted "little Osprey" on Yacht World and within a week she was sold. She is now cruising Delaware Bay.
We have spent the winter in a rented appartment in Newport and move aboard next week. We have a lot of work to do before we sail off in September. The first major project is to revamp the electrical system. Tom has rewired the AC system and installed new batteries. We have expanded the battery bank and now have three house batteries and one starter. We still have to put in the new battery charger, new alternator and regulator and redo a lot of the DC wiring. We will post our progress as we go along.