Miles Memorial Hospital
28 August 2008 | Damariscotta, Maine

So this is the hospital where I have been working up here in Maine. Lovely isn't it? It is great to drive up to the Hospital in the morning with the rising sun shining across the bay. The views out of the OR are amazing and many of the patient's rooms have water views as well. Tom and I have had a nice time up here. I have had a couple of days off. On Monday we met up with Steven and Denise from "Charisma". We last saw them in Hopetown, Bahamas. They left earlier than us, made excellent progress up the coast and have been cruising the Maine coast for the large part of the summer. I would say "lucky them" but unfortunately the weather has not been very good for them with a lot of that famous Maine fog. Despite this, they seem to have had a good time and have now turned around and are headed back south-west again. We met them in Boothbay and went for a wonderful lobster dinner right on the water - very nice. Yesterday, Tom and I drove up to Skowhegan, Maine, where I am working for the winter. It was a good day, everyone at the hospital there is very nice and welcoming. We will be staying in a nice roomy apartment with 2 big TV's, a dishwasher and 3 bathrooms so we will be very spoiled. The best part is that the hospital CEO is a sailor and has a Shannon 38 (hull #40 - Osprey is #33 so they are close sisters!). Needless to say, most of the talk was about Shannon's and sailing rather than work! Last evening we went for dinner at Corning and Tita's house. They are from "Blessed Spirit" and we met up with them in the Chesapeake, Charleston and Marathon. It's a small world when you are cruising. We will be heading back to Osprey on Monday - we cannot wait - we miss our lovely floating home.