Feels like Fall
10 September 2008

Monday, Sept 8th - Fishers Island, NY
41 16.00 N, 072 00.30 W
Tuesday, Sept 9th - Stonington, CT
41 20.37 N, 071 54.71 W
Wednesday, Sept 10th - Block Island, RI
41 11.13 N, 071 34.65 W
Three states in three days - not bad! We have had a nice few days - enjoying some lovely weather and some short hops to different harbors. Fishers Island was as lovely as always. This is a small island, inhabited, as far as we can tell, by wealthy New Yorkers in their summer homes. We hadn't been to Stonington for a few years and we were hoping to tuck in there from another strong front coming through. The boatyard assigned us to a mooring in the outer harbor - but I pleaded with them, they relented and put us in the inner harbor instead - much better. We immediately went ashore, taking a weeks worth of laundry with us. We were able to get the laundry done, shower, pick up some of the famous Stonington shrimp and get back to Osprey before the heavens opened and it poured - talk about Grandma's luck - we felt very lucky indeed. Once the storm passed it became quite calm and peaceful.
We were up early this morning and set off at 07.00 for Cuttyhunk, MA. It was a beautiful morning but downright chilly. For the first time in about 9 months I had to put socks, fleece and my jacket on. The sailing was great to begin with but the wind gradually increased and clocked around so it became more and more on our nose, making it very hard going. So much so that we abandoned the plan for Cuttyhunk and altered course to come to Block Island instead. We were happy to come here - it has been a long time since we sailed to this remote place. It is very much as we remembered it - a lovely calm harbor, very picturesque and peaceful. We went ashore and were pleased to find that the grocery store is now much more extensive than it used to be. We had been hoping to meet up with Steven and Denise from Charisma in the next day or two - possibly in Nantucket or Martha's Vineyard. Now we are here I'm not sure if that will happen or not, The forecast doesn't look good for us to head East tomorrow. We may end up staying here for the day instead.