Back at Norton's
30 April 2009
Vicky / Sunny
Tom is now back at Norton's and I joined him last weekend for a flying visit. The weather has warmed up nicely and the boat yard was busy with the usual springtime stuff. Having made plans to stay on someone else's boat until Osprey gets launched we had a bit of a scramble to find alternative accomodations when our friend sold his boat. Thank goodness for Craigslist - we found a short term furnished rental for a decent price, so all ended well. Osprey is now unwrapped and waiting to get her bottom sanded - we leave that to the professionals. Then we will repaint the bottom and redo the bootstripe, raising the waterline in the process - that will be a good job done. Tom has been busy cleaning and lubing all the seacocks and getting ready for the engine install. I am wrapping up work this weekend and looking forward to two months off and working on Osprey. Hopefully we will be doing some sailing too!