Allan and Rina's Sailing Adventures Continue...

Bashing to San Jose Del Cabo

We are tucked away in our slip in Marina Puerto Los Cabo in San Jose Del Cabo after a 50 hour passage from Banderas Bay. Average speed about 4.8 and burned .9 gallons of diesel/hour. Not bad considering we were bashing into oncoming seas 90% of the time.

Overall, the passage was fairly uneventful, with winds up to 20 knots on the nose the first night, but as we moved north both the sea state and winds slowly decreased. We had one 4 mile detour south our first day as we encountered long fishing lines and a couple of guys in Pangas waving us off. If we would have hit those unmarked lines at night, they could have easily wrapped around our prop.

We had a couple of interesting experiences along the way.... On day one hundreds of dolphins followed us for hours. What made these dolphins special is that they would jump 4-5 feet out of the water at times, or other times come up to the boat, jump as they breathed in and slapped their tails at us.

We experienced a truly unique phenomenon (for us). As the sun set on our first night out, a full moon rose 180 degrees behind us.... then we watched overnight as the moon tracked over the top of us and set on the water dead ahead of us just as the sun rose 180 degrees behind us. That happened 2 more times. You might say duh, one goes up and one goes down, but to have the moon full and both hitting the water at the same time was very unusual in our experience. As usual the pics do not do it justice....

Looks like we have a weather window to get around Cabo Falso on Sunday, and from there it's 8-10 day to get to San Diego weather permitting.
