Allan and Rina's Sailing Adventures Continue...

A Dogs Life Aboard

Leeloo and Teva are our long time boat dogs, with thousands of sea miles under their collars. Leeloo, on the left, is 10 year old Jack Russel - Rat Terrier mix and Teva is a 13 year old Rat Terrier - Chihuahua mix, who made her debut on the blog in 2013.

Bonus points if you know where Leeloo's name came from.

Life aboard iliohale is MUCH easier for them than on Follow You. The ride on iliohale is flat compared to the heeling of a monohull, and the decks are much wider, giving them the confidence to wander around and find a little piece of shade. Underway they still bury their heads in pillows on the settee and still have an appetite, where as on Follow You they may not eat for days, especially going upwind.

As always, they can't wait to get off the boat and explore beaches and all the new smells of the next port. They also live for company on the boat, greeting guests and scaring away birds and pangas that get too close to the boat.

Once again, thanks to Eric for a great shot of the dogs at Sunset on the lido deck!
