07 August 2014
We didn't stop at Anzio last time so thought we'd have a look before Rome. A few boat chores to attend to and some chandlery items to be purchased. We find you can bus or train it to Rome from here so we have decided not to go to the Rome marina as it is a bus and train trip from there as well. As we have been there done that with Rome, Gary and myself have chosen to deal with the boat things and have put Glen and Liz ashore for them to visit today. We have to wait until Friday for a part to arrive so when ashore later today I will investigate a visit to the British and American Military cemeteries near by. There were 7400 dead for the Americans who eventually held the line with a combined force until Rome fell to the Allies on 4th June 1944. Anzio was completely rebuilt after WWII. An earlier bit of history is the remains of Nero's ancient harbour on the south eastern side of the harbour mole. Will report in next blog