Panormitis happenings

24 May 2016 | Rodds Bay
24 December 2015
06 November 2015 | Bustard bay
04 November 2015 | Port Bundaberg Marina
27 October 2015 | Port Bundaberg
17 October 2015 | Mele Maat
04 October 2015 | Village of Mele
27 September 2015 | Port Vila
27 September 2015 | Mololo LaiLai
10 September 2015 | Vuda Marina
02 September 2015 | Lautoka
31 August 2015 | Lautoka Fiji
24 August 2015 | Nieafu Tonga
24 August 2015 | Aloft Niue
24 August 2015 | Beveridge Reef
24 August 2015 | Palmerston Island
24 August 2015 | Maupihaa
23 August 2015 | Raiatea
22 August 2015 | Moorea
21 August 2015 | Baie D'Opunohu

Fuengirola to La Linea

07 October 2014
We left again on daylight, waiting so we could see the numerous fishing floats to miss. We had a thick fog descend on us with visibility only to the bow. Just after 1200 it was like opening a door and sailing into the sunshine, but still no wind. That changed at 1350 but of course was on the nose so we put up the sails and did a bit of tacking, to give the starboard motor a rest. Rounding Europa point the wind was up to 25knts and the waves were standing up in a short swell. Pleased to put the anchor down at La Linea, the Spanish side of the frontier to Gibralta. We will stay here until the tradesmen are organised.
Change that ! We now have the tradesmen and there is no marina berth. Maybe Wednesday. That's a bother 'cos the electrician now can't come til Monday. Expensive berth fees for nothing happening, but if we don't take the berth when it is available we could have a rerun of our present situation. We'll see what tomorrow brings. The pic is of La Linea from the anchorage.
Vessel Name: Panormitis
Vessel Make/Model: Lagoon 410S2
Hailing Port: Gladstone Australia
Crew: Gary and Del Whitmore
About: Gary has salt water in his veins and needs to be near or on the water. Del is his wife and his sailing partner.
Extra: We learned to sail together back in 1977 and have enjoyed a variety of yachts since then. We have previously purchased a monohull in Croatia and took 18months to sail it back to Australia. Now we are doing the trip again this time with a catamaran.
Home Page:

Panormitis @ anchor

Who: Gary and Del Whitmore
Port: Gladstone Australia