Fuertaventura to Gran Canaria
09 November 2014 | Las Palmas Gran Canaria

Fuertaventura to Gran Canaria 28 07.15N:15 23.85W
We overnighted at Gran Tarajala and Morro Jable on the Isla de Fuertaventura. The trip was a mix of spinnaker, motor, motor sailing and sailing. Overcast days and lumpy seas. Leaving Morro Jable the wind was 20knts and the seas choppy but both the wind and sea settled once we came into the passage between the islands. We were happy with our 5 – 7knts SOG from the 12-15 knts of wind. We had left just on dawn as we knew we would have a long day and now we are in a new time zone and daylight savings gone we can no longer count on the extra light getting to anchor. Just off the Gran Canaria coast the you beaut rod and reel sprung into action and Glen identified the large fish and splash as a marlin. Well he now is sporting some serious bling as he chopped us off taking the lure. Must have been other fish around as another lure lost from the trolling lines. As Ben would have said “I’m gutted”. Fish = 2…..boat = nil. Maybe a good thing as we would not have been able to handle it. Dropped the anchor outside the marina along side an Australian catamaran. Next morning the guy from the port in his RIB did his stocktake of boats and told us we had to go and check in at the marina and pay. Lloyd on the Aussie boat had been in the marina for a month but when 1st October came he and others had to go to the anchorage because of the ARC ( we were part of the ARC last time). In the office we find we have to pay €171 tax whether we stay one night or a month plus a daily rate. One of the guys in the office got worked up about it and started calling the government the Mafioso with his off sider yelling for him to stop with the political comments. A slight confrontation which had us not knowing what to say. If you want a berth in the marina you can only stay 2 nights, then it’s out to the anchorage so why would we bother. It is a bit rude for those from the marina joining us going to and from the showers in dinghies. The weather has been overcast and windy making the wind generator work overtime. It needs to as we don’t have power. We did have a broken batten in the main coming here so the usual routine of fixing things and buying bits and pieces has started. Experienced a first yesterday when we ordered beers with lunch and they were served in Pepsi waxed cups…..it was cold though!!!!!!