From the Canaries to Cape Verde
23 November 2014 | Mindelo Ilha de Sao Vicente

From The Canaries to the Cape Verde Islands
We up anchor at 0900 on Thursday 13th with flat seas and cloud haze. Very little wind saw us motor sailing. Friday was spent with only the spinnaker and motors on being entertained several times by dolphins joining our wake. We have encountered only 2 other vessels both catamarans but tacking across our course. Day 3 and we had the sails goosewinded with 10 – 13 knts from the NE. Just on 1800 we had at last a hit on the rod and reel. A Dorado(or Mahi Mahi in the Pacific), looking good for dinner for the next few nights. Gary got him right to the boat and Glen missed him with the gaff releasing him back for his second life…… ….no fish on the menu again. The flying fish we gather on the deck in the mornings are not enticing. Didn’t lose the lure but we were still gutted. Overnight we were overtaken by a 900 ft passenger liner on its way to Brazil. The wind got up to 20+ knts so a reef in the main was prudent and a comfortable night was had with only the main up.
Day 4 and the wind was a steady 10 -15 knts, the sea was slight and a clear sky…….just the conditions for a great day sailing and they continued into the night. Oh! The peace of sleep with out motors running. Monday and we were 196 nmiles off the coast of Senegal with conditions the same as the previous day. We have become used to the wind dying off late afternoons and getting up again in the night. The days are spent reading, playing some board and card games, eating and drinking tea or coffee. On passage we do not drink alcohol so as to have our wits about us should we have to deal with unforeseen problems.
It is now Thursday morning and land fall at 0750. We again have the company of another yacht just behind us.