Passion for Cruising

Vessel Name: Truest Passion
Vessel Make/Model: Seawind 1160 Catamaran
Hailing Port: Southport
Crew: Stuart Simpson & Nanette Black
18 May 2012 | Mooloolaba
02 November 2011 | Mooloolaba Marina
30 October 2011 | Sandy Straits
29 October 2011 | Bundaberg
27 October 2011 | Pancake Creek
26 October 2011 | Great Keppel Island
25 October 2011 | Pearl Bay
24 October 2011 | Middle Percy Island
21 October 2011 | Mackay Marina
16 October 2011 | Mackay Marina
14 October 2011 | Goldsmith Island
13 October 2011 | Turtle Bay Whitsundays
12 October 2011 | Gloucester Passage
11 October 2011 | Bowen
10 October 2011 | Rattlesnake Island
09 October 2011 | Haycock Island
08 October 2011 | Hinchinbrook Channel
07 October 2011 | Dunk Island
06 October 2011 | Fitzroy Island
02 October 2011 | Half Moon Bay Marina
Recent Blog Posts
18 May 2012 | Mooloolaba

Good News-Bad News

Hello to all our yachtie friends, it is so long again since I have posted a blog, but the moment has at last arrived that I can talk to you all.

02 November 2011 | Mooloolaba Marina


The last lap, so we left Garry’s Anchorage at 5.50am to catch the incoming tide to cross the bar. No wind at all. We started down the “mad mile” towards the bar crossing – not for the faint hearted today, it was like a washing machine, however the largest wave we saw was about 3 metres. Finally [...]

30 October 2011 | Sandy Straits

Yankee Jack Creek

Off yet again at 5.45 am, I was almost sleepwalking as the skipper did his usual, go, go, now.........

29 October 2011 | Bundaberg

Nearly Home

We had a lovely quiet day in the creek, we even played cards and Scrabble, beaten again!!!

27 October 2011 | Pancake Creek

Dawn Start

Up at 4.30am [we must be mad]! To get to Pancake Creek before tomorrow, when a S Easter is forecast, means a very long haul today. We will pass Cape Capricorn at about 10am before sailing down the outside of Curtis Island and Gladstone etc.

26 October 2011 | Great Keppel Island

Another Ripper!!

Another day, this time up at 5am and underway at 5.40am. The water is like oil, not a breath of wind. The clouds are quite heavy at present, but it is very early yet.

Going Back to Thailand

08 October 2009 | Au Chalong
4th October 2009
Ko Rok Nok
Yesterday we were hauled out and held in the slings for 2 hrs whilst we scrubbed the greeblies off her undersides. That saved us two days on the beach at Telaga, believe me , such a relief!
The main reason was that Stuart had gashed his leg while he was checking the engine, which of course was running at the time, ouch. Up here that means keep it dry until completely healed. It made for a grumpy skipper for nearly two weeks. No swimming!!.
The cost of haulout will make the Aussies cry! It was $240 AUD......
7am today 4th saw us leave Rebak, it was just dawn, and as soon as we were outside the wind was 20kts gusting 27. Our course was naturally NNW, and yes the wind was NNW...........need I say more, except we had cleared out so had to go. We bashed our way slowly forward with up to a max of 2kts current against us as well. The forecast had said W or SW, typical. What a day, one reef in and one motor to push us through it so that we had a chance to anchor at Rok Nok in light. There is much coral there. To cover the 60 miles we actually had 80 on the log when we managed to pick up a dive boat mooring in the moonlight. It was now Thai time, and we had taken 13 hrs!! Yuk.

5th October
Ao Chalong
More of the same!
Left at dawn again, this time 6am Thai time, and straight out into it again. Yes the same course, same wind, plus today heavy rain squalls. Lovely, why do we love sailing? But, we had to go as the forecast for the next 2 days was 30kts plus, and now we need to be in Phuket for more dentistry, this all before our visitors come on 3rd November
I wrote all this by hand as we approached our anchorage. Almost 5pm and a 34kt squall just hit, however we had dropped the main just in time. It has been a hard slog, with wind and current on the nose, not an enjoyable two days, but thank goodness all that does not happen often.
Will sleep well tonight, and check in tomorrow.

9th October
Ao Chalong
The sun is shining
A quick word to say that we are now fully recovered and doing chores and maintenance.
Also had news of Oskan and David, two single handers who sailed from Darwin with us, They are in Turkey, Oskan's home, it is great to hear that all is well. Also an e mail from Kristiane, Paddy and Carolyn, they are also having fun in the Med.


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