Work Continues
06 March 2010 | Boat Lagoon

Another week past, and different tradesmen coming and going daily. The washing machine and breadmaker are off hopefully to be fixed. The wiring aboard is proving a larger problem as we cannot work out why the batteries are over 12 volts until suddenly at around mid 80% you put even one amp load and they drop to 10 volts or less, take the load off and up they jump back to 12 plus. Poor Stuart has tried everything, all connections etc etc. We have had the electrical chap here and no luck either, so we get him back tomorrow. The AGM's all check out when checked separately, so any ideas????
The fibreglassing in the stern is complete, there have been two chaps working in that tiny space in 40 plus degrees for the whole week! The whole stern area is now really beefed up. She will be stronger than a new one now. The engine is still awaiting parts, but the rudder stock will be finished shortly, then Kevin can re build the rudder, which of course Stuart had to cut away to get it out of the hull.
A few people have read the blog of the accident and say that they did not think it that bad???? Believe me it was BAD. We filled the starboard hull right throughout to over a metre deep in just 8 minutes. The steering was locked, and there was one motor to move a lopsided and heavy boat, only in circles, we had to sit her on the reef asap to stop her going down more. The 20HP motor on the dinghy could only just push her over to that reef. Looking back now, I fully realize how lucky we were to save TP. It will be better than new by the time we hit the water..
On a completely different topic, we recently read an article in "The Coastal Passage ", this was saying that it is TOO EXPENSIVE to do any work on yachts either here in Thailand or Langkawi. We refute this absolutely. This is our third haul-out at Boat Lagoon in the past 15 months. Our experience is that the work is first class, from stainless steel, to re paint re timber, new awnings, fiberglass re build etc. All have been excellent, and the lift-out is fast and efficient. There are 4 travel lifts here and 100 footers are easily handled. Finally all that we have had done has been MUCH MUCH CHEAPER than Australia. We can give actual prices if anyone requires proof!! Skilled labour is charged out at AU$60 per day - try that in Australia. Unskilled we hire at AU$22 per day.