Happy Christmas
20 December 2008 | Langkawi
Nanette & Stuart

Last night we went to a "Yachtsmen's Dinner", which was Tuna barbecued and sushiied every way possible (the restaurant IS called 'Tunalicious') with salads with as much to eat and drink as you could get through between 7 and 9 Pm. We like tuna and not having caught one for many months thoroughly enjoyed it - a good evening.
Tonight is our last night in Langkawi for now and there is a big farewell dinner for all the Sail Malaysia and Sail Indonesia participants who have been with us since Darwin (some from Cairns) and even Southport in the case of Kritianne and Mooloolaba for Sea Bunny and Freebird. What an adventure, some great friendships formed and many we will catch up with around Thailand or elsewhere. There are so many boats still here from previous years rallies, they are obviously hooked on this area.
We have cleared out this morning as we leave early tomorrow morning for an overnight sail to Phuket, Ao Chalong Bay 120 miles from here, where we have to clear in to Thailand. On 23rd son Jonathan and family arrive for Christmas.
As we will probably be off the air until after Christmas (we need to get Thai sim cards) we want to wish all our family and friends in the UK and Australia (even Tassie) a very Happy Christmas and a (more) Prosperous New Year.
Michele, Paul Michael and Cameron and Yvonne; Alastair, Penny in Aberdeen and their girls and husbands and offspring scattered around the UK.
Richard and Irene and Robert in Edinburgh
Anne and Chris and their sons scattered around England/France/Spain;
Jane and David, Anne and Tony and Bunty also in England
Nikki, Chris Kate and Mark in Nambour (and Brazil)
David and Sue, Norm & Scott, JaneJ all in Mooloolaba
Janet and John and Jon and Mareet in Buderim
John & Margaret in Tasmania
Paul and Marlene 'Thirsty Dog' in Port Douglas
Greg & Anette, 'Antidote'; Eric & Jan, 'Seduction'; Urs and Family,'Better than Shares'; Gary and Jennifer,'Reggie; Loess & Barry,'Location'; Allan and Family,'Beats Workin'; Mike & family,'Keris' all in their Seawind 1160's scattered around the Pacific.
Jan & Bryan,'Kibalee'; Bob & Sandy,'Sorceress'; Roger & Kath,'Highland Dancer and the rest of the Sail Cruising Division at RMYC Pittwater.
Ron & Corrine & Becky,'CJ' in Mackay
John Penfold (the BEST sailmaker) and Richard, Graeme, Brent, Royce, Tim and all the others at Seawind
AND of course all our great sailing friends from the Indonesian and Malaysian Rallies - so many.
If we have forgotten someone - sorry