Dunk Island to Cairns
12 June 2008 | Cairns
Joanne Booker
Time seems to have marched on and decided it was about time I updated our sailblog. We ended up motor sailing all the way to Dunk Island arriving there mid afternoon. It was a hive of activity as there is a tourist resort there and there were young people buzzing around on jet skis all afternoon with gecko blasters going. Had just put down the anchor when a tourist boat came in and we were virtually right on his path so decided to up anchor and shift. Did that and then a resort employee came out on a jet ski to ask us to move again as we were right in the flight path and the pilots are very nervous of yacht masts!! So we up anchored again, along with a French yacht beside us, and re anchored - third time lucky.
Next morning (6th June) we took off again for Mourilyan Harbour and we actually put the main up for the first time since leaving Bundaberg, although it didn't do much as once again we had to motor sail most of the way. Mourilyan was converted from a bag-sugar loading centre to a bulk facility in the late 1950's at which time the natural entrance was widened and deepened. The terminal started operations in 1960 and is capable of loading a ship at the rate of 1400 tonnes per hour. The associated sugar storage shed is the longest in the world. It certainly wasn't the prettiest of anchorages but gave us a very still anchorage for the night.
We left Mourilyan at 7am next morning and had only been out of the harbour a few minutes when we caught a huge fish which weighed 13.5kgs. We didn't have a clue what it was so sent a photo off to see if anyone knew what it was. Found out it was a queen fish and to eat was the driest, coarse fish you could ever wish to eat, even after smoking it, so it is destined for bait for a crab pot (have bought another one for $10).
We had intended to spend the next night at Fitzroy Island (11 miles south of Cairns) but by mid afternoon a stiff breeze had come up after motor sailing all morning and we decided it could be a bit roly so headed for Mission Bay and found that it was going to be even worse, even though our cruising guide said it was a very good anchorage so we made the decision to head on up to Cairns. Radioed the Harbour Board on VHF to check on the quarantine situation and found that it was all okay so came on in up Trinity Inlet and anchored outside, opposite the marina, arriving at 6.30pm. There are about 30 boats anchored off here. Since being here it has been quite windy with gale warnings every day.