The Three Musketeers - Poem written by Leanne on Keshi of our trip to Gove
24 August 2008 | Flores Coast
Have you heard the mighty tale
Of the brave and winsome three From Lizard Isle one morn Set off across the sea!
Unknown to one another then Entwined they would become As over the tip and onto Gove With winds they sailed as one
Well Captain Keshi on day one Was really not amused As speeding past went Musketelle, "was that just a jib he used??"
But fairness reigned in Kiwi Pride, Along came Pied-A-Mer Consoling Captain Keshi
As they doggedly held the rear.
Flinders, Morris, all fine anchors But Portland Roads did make Captain Pied-A- Mer the happiest With Keshi tea-and-cake
Twas much discussion and ado At Grenville's Margaret Bay "To catch the passage flooding tide An early start next day!"
At 4am the Captains three Were raising sail and anchor Despite short seas, the wind was kind All hailed "Cape York's behind ya!"
A quiet night in Simpson Bay, Next day the hop to Seisia A pause a rest to gather strength Before the Gulf of Carpentaria!!
The first day out the winds blew steady Keeping each other close by As mesmerized was Musketelle Watching Keshi's screecher fly!
Day two dawned calm across the Gulf Each vessel made its miles No more in sight of masthead lights
the VHF brought smiles
Poor little Jack, well he did spew But perked up at the thought - That hugglebuggle-jojo would be in Gove The very next port!
And so they made it into Gove The Musketeers all three, But wait ahoy! On starboard tack "It's Catala wait for me!!!"