Sail Pinocchio

Adventures of Two by Sea

20 May 2019
19 May 2019
12 May 2019
12 May 2019
04 May 2019
24 April 2019
19 April 2019
19 April 2019
07 April 2019
27 March 2019
13 March 2019
09 March 2019
02 March 2019
25 February 2019
07 February 2019
30 January 2019

Divorce Beach

19 May 2019
Susan Micheletti
May 11-12

Isla Danzante is a small narrow island with anchorages only on the northwest portion.

Honeymoon Cove is the most popular because of weather protection; however it's a pretty small anchorage. After poking Pinocchio's nose into Honeymoon Cove only to see that it was full of large motor yachts and catamarans, we decided to try another cove just 1 mile south, known to some as "Divorce Beach"! We decided to take our chances.

Divorce Beach is just a perfect little spot: cozy, private, pretty, and fairly protected from weather. It's really a one-boat anchorage and could handle only one divorce at a time.

Dolphin came every morning to and evening like clockwork to feast on the little reef fish and act as mediators if needed. Pelicans would do fly-overs daily and judicially stare down their long beaks at us. Turtles would swim by with their watchful eye, making sure all was well.

We kayaked and paddle boarded along the rocky shores for hours, exploring all the nooks and crannies. Snorkeling in the clear turquoise water, provided us quite a show of fish, colorful coral and bright red star fish.

Just a few days shy of our 8th wedding anniversary, we stayed two wonderful days at Divorce Beach without a glitch. It's peacefulness and beauty re-affirms what's important in life. Maybe this Beach should be called "Second Chance Cove".

Vessel Name: Pinocchio
Vessel Make/Model: Custom Frers 33
Hailing Port: Woodacre, California
Crew: David Pressley and Susan Micheletti
About: David, Skipper; Susan, First Mate (soon to be skipper...shhh mutiny!)
Pinocchio was built entirely of Spanish cedar in Brazil and launched in 1991. A stout yet light West System cold-molded custom boat built to a German Frers design, with a LOA of 33.5 feet, beam of 11.5 feet and 6’ draft. Pinocchio’s build and history includes many days’ labor of love and [...]
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5 Photos
Created 2 October 2018