s/v Proximity

The Voyages and Adventures of "Your Rock and Roll Argonauts".

31 December 2019 | Emeryville Roadtrip
16 July 2017 | Wrangell Harbor
15 July 2017 | Petersburg, Alaska
12 July 2017 | Baronof Warmm Springs
10 July 2017 | Tenakee Inlet
08 July 2017 | Hoohah
07 July 2017 | Elfin Cove Dock
29 June 2017 | Yakutat City Dock
29 June 2017 | Yakutat City Dock
29 June 2017 | Yakutat City Dock
26 June 2017 | Gulf of Alaska, East of Kayak Island, West of Icy Bay
25 June 2017 | Gulf of Alaska
24 June 2017 | Seward, Alaska
21 June 2017 | Seward, Alaska
20 June 2017 | Seward, Alaska
22 April 2017 | Seward, Alaska
22 April 2017 | Passage to Kodiak
22 April 2017 | Chignik,, Alaska
22 April 2017 | Sand Point, Alaska

Heaps of Fun

12 March 2013 | Majuro, Marshall Islands
We are still in Majuro. We are somewhat stuck here until a couple of important packages arrive from the States - bank cards! So, we have been making good use of the time - bilges cleaned, bilge pump rebuilt, windlass greased, Furlex greased, new main sail cover finished, impeller replaced, zincs replaced, bottom cleaned, teak in cockpit cleaned, septic lines cleaned out, bla, bla, bla. All good stuff.

We have also been having heaps of fun. We borrowed a couple of bikes and took the 30 mile ride to Laura where we had a picnic with many Aussie friends. The ride was hot and muggy, and Elisabeth over heated a bit on the last few miles, but she is strong and pulled through. The occasion was started by some land based friends here who are Ford Mustang owners. There are three of them in this little Mustang club who thought a drive and beach picnic in the little town of Laura would be fun. Then it blossomed. Soon Ants and Jane were arranging bicycles, and this was where we came in. It really was a highlight - Thanks Break Free crew!!

We participated in the International Women's Day march and picnic (as honorary Kiwis!) There were representatives from the Marshalls, the Federated states of Micronesia, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Mexico, Israel, and of course, the Wontoks. The Wontoks are relatives of the islanders who all speak the same language (i.e. One Talk) It took us a little while to figure it out. We all marched in a parade from the main town area to a park for a picnic, speeches by dignitaries, food and games. At the picnic, we manned the sausage selling booth (sold over 150 of them!). One of our customers was no less than the president of the Marshall Islands. Rod served the food, and Elisabeth took the payment. Nice! All prophets went to WAM, http://www.idealist.org/view/nonprofit/zJknBk7c7nH4/ Then, later on we were the referees/judges in the Kiwi sponsored games - wheel barrow races, with real wheel barrows, and a gum boot toss. For non-Kiwis, a gum boot is what might be called a knee-high rubber boot in the States. It is a standard work boot in New Zealand.

Last weekend, we sailed with our Aussie friends Ants and Jane aboard their boat, Break Free. Our destination was a privately owned island here in the atoll, and we had been given permission through the negotiations of Karen of the Meico Beach Yacht Club and the yacht, Seal. We had a number of land based friends along with us and Seal also had quite a crew, so it was really fun.

The weekend before last, we sailed over and spent the weekend on another small island where there is an airplane to dive on, clear water, a good place to clean the boat's bottom, etc. We were joined by Break Free for that one.

Every Tuesday here, there is a "yachties dinner out" where we all attend a different restaurant. Last night, it was held at the Chinese restaurant Wan Hai Chen, and Karen had arranged for a speaker. Our speaker was an impressive American guy who has lived here in the Marshalls for over 20 years. He spoke on the nuclear testing and its effect on the people of the Marshalls - a very sad story. He discussed the film Radio Bikini, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Bikini ,and his participation in the making of it. Very moving.

So, as you can see, there is much to do here, and we have not really even scratched the surface. There is a sizeable yachtie and ex-pat group here, so there is always something to do. Next weekend there will be a yacht race around the lagoon. It is alot like sailing San Francisco Bay here. It is nearly always windy, but the water is protected and flat. We have not yet decided on whether or not to sail Proximity. As a rule, we don't race her, but we do enjoy the racing, so we shall see.
Vessel Name: Proximity
Vessel Make/Model: Swan 41
Hailing Port: San Francisco
Crew: Rod Lambert, Elisabeth Lehmberg
Who Are Rod and Elisabeth? We are Rod Lambert and Elisabeth Lehmberg. Elisabeth is from Bremerhaven, Germany, and Rod is from Monterey, California. In our youth we each had dreams of living on the water and sailing long distance. [...]
Extra: 2017 Update. From 2009 to Summer 2016, we sailed the South Pacific Ocean, visiting many many wonderful places and meeting incredible all along the way. Finally, it was time to do something a little different, so we headed North. North to Alaska. The dream continues. Welcome!
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