s/v Proximity

The Voyages and Adventures of "Your Rock and Roll Argonauts".

31 December 2019 | Emeryville Roadtrip
16 July 2017 | Wrangell Harbor
15 July 2017 | Petersburg, Alaska
12 July 2017 | Baronof Warmm Springs
10 July 2017 | Tenakee Inlet
08 July 2017 | Hoohah
07 July 2017 | Elfin Cove Dock
29 June 2017 | Yakutat City Dock
29 June 2017 | Yakutat City Dock
29 June 2017 | Yakutat City Dock
26 June 2017 | Gulf of Alaska, East of Kayak Island, West of Icy Bay
25 June 2017 | Gulf of Alaska
24 June 2017 | Seward, Alaska
21 June 2017 | Seward, Alaska
20 June 2017 | Seward, Alaska
22 April 2017 | Seward, Alaska
22 April 2017 | Passage to Kodiak
22 April 2017 | Chignik,, Alaska
22 April 2017 | Sand Point, Alaska

Funafuti Life

29 April 2013 | Funafuti, Tuvalu
Just a quick stop to say Hi! We are having a wonderful time. A friend, Pentalo, we met here, who manages the bank, and was introduced to us by Yoshi, lent us his motorbike for the day. In turn, we took his boy out to the boat and fed him chocolate and let him drive the dinghy.

There were two boats here for a couple of days, Soggy Paws and Challenger. Very nice people and we enjoyed an evening out with them plus the requisite evening happy hour that we yachties enjoy so much. They have since pressed on northward, and we hope to run into them again. Meanwhile, we have the country to ourselves for a while.

Today, we bought fuel at the main big ship wharf. We took 7 jerry cans in the dinghy. The Port Manager, a very helpful woman named Vasa, took us and the jugs in her car to the depot for filling. Thank you! Later in the day, we still had two more jugs to fill. We walked to the depot, but thanks to Yoshi's amazing diplomatic skills, the local policeman drove us and the jugs back to the dinghy - in the police car!. Thank you again.

We love it here, and thank the entire country for letting us be their guests. Tonight, we have dinner reservations at a local guest house.
Vessel Name: Proximity
Vessel Make/Model: Swan 41
Hailing Port: San Francisco
Crew: Rod Lambert, Elisabeth Lehmberg
Who Are Rod and Elisabeth? We are Rod Lambert and Elisabeth Lehmberg. Elisabeth is from Bremerhaven, Germany, and Rod is from Monterey, California. In our youth we each had dreams of living on the water and sailing long distance. [...]
Extra: 2017 Update. From 2009 to Summer 2016, we sailed the South Pacific Ocean, visiting many many wonderful places and meeting incredible all along the way. Finally, it was time to do something a little different, so we headed North. North to Alaska. The dream continues. Welcome!
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