May 12, 2013
12 May 2013 | On Passage to Rotuma
We are traveling again. Yesterday morning, we set sail out of Funafuti about 0700. We had enjoyed Funafuti so very much, and it was with a heavy heart that we said good bye. We know that our friend Penitala and his son will come out to the wharf and look, just to make sure that, yes, we are gone. Also, our friend Mary will do the same. Patsy, Josh, Henry, Daniel, Oss, Wasa. We will miss them. Cruising is often said to "be a string of sad good byes". This is true, but they are so worth the joy to get them. Our hearts are full of joy as well.
The day was absolutely beautiful. Blue skies, white puffy trade winds clouds, warm, a wonderful boat to sail, and the best company one could ever ask for. Well, at least until late in the afternoon. That is when the black clouds arrived. Our forecast was for light winds, but with those light winds, we were moving right along making over 6 knots, making a Monday early afternoon arrival look good. The black clouds were squalls, and we all know that squalls bring rain and big wind. Not always. Yesterday, they brought rain and took the wind. Good bye Monday arrival. With next to no wind, the sails were banging, the boat rocking without wind to hold her steady. Finally, about 0100, we started the motor to save the sails and to move the boat at least a little. We kept the motor on through to 0530, then shut it off to save fuel. Normally, we might just motor on through the light conditions to keep our Monday arrival. But Rotuma is a very small island, and it is reported that there is no fuel to be had there. Thus, we are in conservation mode until we arrive in southwestern Fiji.
We have read the books about the great history making yachtsmen like Bernard Moitessier, who often reported that the last 75 miles of a trip took many days due to lack of wind. Today, we sail with them. We are expecting to arrive Rotuma now on Tuesday, but if the wind goes lighter, it could be Wednesday. We only have 155 miles to go.
But, we are happy. Again this morning, we have a beautiful blue sky, and it is reported that the squalls will lessen as we get closer to our destination. By the way, last night before the clouds mugged us, the sky was sparkling with stars. There is no moon at all right now, so the stars were incredible. I think that we had to miss them due to the rain was our biggest disappointment. Maybe tonight (and tomorrow night!) we will get to enjoy the stars. We'll let you know!
Peace Rod and Elisabeth