About 275 miles south of Majuro
22 October 2013 | About 275 miles south of Majuro.
Happy Anniversary! Yes, it is our 11th anniversary, and we are celebrating here at sea. It really couldn't be more special. It has just been a normal sailing day, but special in that the wind has come back, and we are making good progress. For our celebration, Elisabeth prepared some nice nibbles and produced two cold Fiji Bitter beers from the fridge. The nibbles consisted of deviled eggs, an Elisabeth specialty, and dolmadakias that we bought from a nice deli in Port Vila. I remember back in Mexico when we were preparing for the Pacific Puddle Jump, we would have these potluck/meeting with other jumpers, and Elisabeth would bring her eggs. At one point one other poor woman brought eggs, and people were commenting on how much better Elisabeth's eggs were than the other woman. Of course, we felt bad for her, and thought that her eggs were just fine, but people are people and sometimes get clumsy with the social graces. Anyway, we sat out in the cockpit in the warmth and sunshine while the boat is galloping along close hauled into 15 knots of wind.
A wonderful life to be sure, a beautiful world, a great sail, and the woman I love, my true best buddy. The best 11 years of my life without a doubt.
It is our day 14 out here, and we are hoping that we might make it to Majuro on Friday, three days from now. We shall see. The course is to windward and there is a current that either sets us off to the west, or, like right now, is out of the northeast and just slows us down. While we may be sailing at 6.4 knots, our ground speed is only 5 knots. Strong current.
Best to all of you, and we hope that you are as happy as we are!
As always our position is shown of the right side of the page - just click on the map.
We will continue to keep you posted.
Rod and Elisabeth, "Your Rock and Roll Argonauts"