s/v Proximity

The Voyages and Adventures of "Your Rock and Roll Argonauts".

31 December 2019 | Emeryville Roadtrip
16 July 2017 | Wrangell Harbor
15 July 2017 | Petersburg, Alaska
12 July 2017 | Baronof Warmm Springs
10 July 2017 | Tenakee Inlet
08 July 2017 | Hoohah
07 July 2017 | Elfin Cove Dock
29 June 2017 | Yakutat City Dock
29 June 2017 | Yakutat City Dock
29 June 2017 | Yakutat City Dock
26 June 2017 | Gulf of Alaska, East of Kayak Island, West of Icy Bay
25 June 2017 | Gulf of Alaska
24 June 2017 | Seward, Alaska
21 June 2017 | Seward, Alaska
20 June 2017 | Seward, Alaska
22 April 2017 | Seward, Alaska
22 April 2017 | Passage to Kodiak
22 April 2017 | Chignik,, Alaska
22 April 2017 | Sand Point, Alaska

Nous Avons Vu Des Animaux!

17 August 2015 | At Sea about 180 miles north of Wallis
August 17 Bon Soir!

Day 2. We are enjoying a nice sail today. Yesterday, we had a little more wind and lumpy seas. But those conditions brought us a 150 mile day. Today has been a little slower, but we are still moving along nicely in very nice conditions. The sea has gone much smoother,so it is very comfortable. We were just now having dinner - Coq Au Vin avec Petites Pois (from the cans). Whilst we were eating out in the cockpit, we spotted a pod of dolphins at our boat. It was wonderful to see these residents whose home we are visitors. They even had a couple very small ones with them. Had to be babies. They stayed right on our bow the whole dinner long. With this sighting, that is all the contact with anything we had had so far. No fish boats, etc. Just us together. It is nice and we are at home together. Yes, Tristan, we are on the happy train today! We hope all of you are too.

Again, as we sail into the night, I bid you bon soiree, guten abend, buenos noches, and good night.

Be Excellent to One Another, Rod and Elisabeth, "Your Rock and Roll Argonauts" "Les Pirates d'Honneur"
Vessel Name: Proximity
Vessel Make/Model: Swan 41
Hailing Port: San Francisco
Crew: Rod Lambert, Elisabeth Lehmberg
Who Are Rod and Elisabeth? We are Rod Lambert and Elisabeth Lehmberg. Elisabeth is from Bremerhaven, Germany, and Rod is from Monterey, California. In our youth we each had dreams of living on the water and sailing long distance. [...]
Extra: 2017 Update. From 2009 to Summer 2016, we sailed the South Pacific Ocean, visiting many many wonderful places and meeting incredible all along the way. Finally, it was time to do something a little different, so we headed North. North to Alaska. The dream continues. Welcome!
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