Day 10
26 May 2016 | They're Called the Horse Latitudes
Thursday, May 26 Day 10. Yes, they are called the horse latitudes. This is whaere the NE tradewinds end and transition into the prevailing westerlies. The transition zone. The place where the wind is not. back in the old days, the ships would get stuck in here, bob around until they ran out of water, and then would have to throw the horses overboard because they would otherwise die of thirst on the ship. We have run out of wind. Early this morning, we ran out of wind and have been motoring all day. We are conserving fuel, going slow and hope to find wind - light, but at least enough to move the boat in the morning. We have plenty of water. We don't have so much fuel, and we want to keep moving. It's the horse latitudes, or you could call it the doldrums. We had to deal with them when we left Mexico for French Polynesia.
We had a milestone today! We have now covered one third the distance to Dutch Harbor. Majuro is now 1059 miles behind us, and we have 2019 to Dutch Harbor.
It's beautiful out here today. You could water ski, the water is so flat.
hey, I discover that I can retrieve the messages left on the blog, so I have done that and I'll respond as best I can. First of all, Thank you for the nice wishes Martine. It is always nice to hear from you. Alan and Laura, thanks for the message about poor Bob. He is a true South Pacific character right out of the books. Please wish him well and tell him we hope for the best with his boat. That poor old tub. I think the bilge pump was the only thing keeping it afloat.
Linda, I can't remember what might have not been fun back on day 5, but it's all ok, and we are having a nice time out here really. We look forward to discussing that one a little more in the future. And Elizabeth (Not to be confused with my Elisabeth - it's the "S" vs "Z".) We were not always so brave. When we first got the boat, we dared to dream of a huge adventure, that maybe we might sail down the coast to Mexico. And then it took a life of it's own, so there you go. You are so much more capable than most people have ever told you or that you may have dreamed for yourself. But it's true. We have discovered many things about ourselves out here over the years.
Ok, then, I have work to do, so I will bid you all good night. Thank you all for those wonderful comments, and keep them coming. (Our schedules are not so busy that we cannot tend to them!)
And do be excellent to each other!
Rod and Elisabeth, "Your Rock and Roll Argonauts" "Les Pirates d'Honneur"