Day 24
09 June 2016 | Where the wind isn't.
Wednesday, June 8
The wind machine finally turned off. We now have 3 -4 knots, but, since it is from the north, I am managing to keep us moving on a fairly decent course - so far. The spectre of drifting looms. Our UTC June 9 0600 (1800 local) position is N37 33, W172 40. Our course is 350, and speed is 2.4 knots. The day was not so light and we did pretty well over all, I think. It has been raining all day and still is. Dreary. Spirits are a bit down, but we are encouraging each other. We did have a little happiness today. We clicked over to less than 1000 miles to the waypoint at Umnak Pass, so the instrument shows 970 miles now. Why does that make it feel so close? Ha. Ha. But, it does. It also marks our "two thirds distance". Funny, it seems like a very long time ago that we cheerfully announced our one third distance. But we are making progress. We just look at our chart and the daily positions, and they do show a slow, but steady progress. That other boat that left two days after us is very close right now. They were 250 miles out last night. But, they are a different kind of boat with lots of fuel, and they have used it. I believe they had enough to motor about 800 miles. They are now talking about conserving. Different sort of boat. Different sort of people.
We will try and keep Proximity going and reach the area ahead where we can see some coherent wind (among the total lack of any) for the next few days. If we can do that, we may reach the point where things aren't so on again, off again. Otherwise, it's drift here until the wind picks up in a few days.
Sorry to sound down, but I have what we musicians call: The blues. We all get the blues from time to time, and living with me for a month, you're bound to see my blues when I get them. It will all be good though. Just a slow day. Everybody sing: "I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never going to keep me down." I believe that!
Oh hey,, here is a cheerful thing. I got an email from our friend Laurence, from the yacht "Radiance". They made this trip a couple of years ago. Well, she made reference to Bill and Ted. She is the very first one ever, and she is spot on. Bill and Ted, you say? Yes. There was a teenager movie called Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. We totally relate to Bill and Ted, and at the end of their movie, after they have saved the universe, and from far off in the future, they wish everyone to: Be excellent to each other!
So, yes, that is where we got the greeting, and we believe in our heart of hearts that if everyone were, indeed, excellent to each other, the world would suddenly be a pretty perfect place. Just by everyone being excellent to each other! Simple and effective. Bill and Ted. See the movie. It's very cute.
Laurence, you and Mark get the prize for being the first to spot that. Good job!
Rod and Elisabeth, "Your Rock and Roll Argonauts" "Les Pirates d'Honneur"