Day 26
11 June 2016 | Almost Exactly the Latitude of our Calif. House.
Friday, June 10 Ok, what do you want to talk about tonight? I always have to come up with the subject, and although I don't mind (it is my blog, after all), I don't want to hog all of the fun, so maybe I'm going to let you choose the topic tonight. I'm always talking about the wind, or the weather, sail trim, etc, and maybe you would like to discuss something else. This is a long passage, so we have time for things like this. Just drop me a line on email or leave a message on the blog, and we will go for it. We can talk about anything. Sailing gear that really works well (or doesn't), cooking on board a small sailboat. (We had salads this evening with dinner - after nearly a month, how do we do that?) Anything - just ask, suggest, and we will hop into action for you! We're here to provide a service! By the way, over Christmas, I bought new sea boots. They are made by an Aussie company called Zhik. Wonderful boots. Much more warm, comfortable and have more grip than my Dubarrys or Mustos ever did. They are great boots. Check them out if you are shopping.
It has been a nice day. Had sunshine, and the temp is cool , but pleasant. Chilly in the morning. Elisabeth has the 0300 to 0600 watch, so at 0600, I get to climb out of the warm sleeping bag and face the chilly morning. Poor thing, Elisabeth gets to be up during the coldest, and when she greets me, she is decked out in her little ski hat, a souvenir from New Zealand that has a little Kiwi Bird embroidered on it, her Ugg boots and her Patagonia warm fuzzy sweater. But, she doesn't mind and prefers that watch, so it's ok.
Warm sleeping bags are wonderful aren't they? We have matching sleeping bags that we bought at REI in Berkeley. They are very warm expedition bags, rated at something like 20 below F. They are effortless to stay warm in, even when it gets really cold. They zip together as one big bag for the two of us once we get to port and sleep together again. When it is temporate, just lying next to them is comfortable. Good sleeping bags. One of life's pleasures.
We have now sailed our boat further north than we have ever sailed her before. When we were based in the san Francisco bay, we would go out the bay and always turn left to points south, never north. Now, we are at the latitude of our house in California. The furthest north we have been with our boat. Truly a new adventure for Your Rock and Roll Argonauts. That's exciting. What else? Hmmmm, I don't know. We hope your day was a special as ours was.
Be Excellent to Each Other! Rod and Elisabeth, "Your Rock and Roll Argonauts" "Les Pirates d'Honneur"