Proximity - Back in the USA
05 July 2016 | Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Monday, July 4 It has been two weeks since we arrived at Dutch Harbor. It has been wonderful to be here. We have fixed the things the boat was needing, we have made many new friends, I got invited to play music at the Grand Aleutian Hotel, and had a great time. We mew a wonderful couple from Germany on their boat named SuAn. They arrived from Japan shortly after we arrived. We have hiked, shopped, we have "bought the t-shirt". Our beloved and long time friends Bjorn and Annika from Sweden have arrived in their new boat Moon. We have had a nice, but much too short reunion with them. Now, it is time for us to move on. We will travel (loosely) with Lutz and Gabi of SuAn. They are leaving tonight to make the pass at slack tide with a destination of Salmon bay. We would go, but we think Salmon bay will be too shallow for us, so we leave tomorrow for King Cove. We will meet SuAn there in two days. It is 170 miles, the weather is forecast to be light, so we expect a lot of motoring.
We wish all of our American friends a Happy July 4th. We attended the local parade today, and watch the fireworks on the beach at midnight, and it still was not dark. We will keep you updated, and I tried to post a blog from the internew with photos, but something isn't working, so sorry, no photos fro now. We have however, posted many beautiful photos of our Dutch harbor experience, and they can be seen on our facebook page. Just search for Rod Lambert77. You'll fined us. If you would like to be friends, mention that you are a blog reader, because so many requests come from weird sources. Ok then, good night, and we will report tomorrow.
Be Excellent to Each Other! Rod and Elisabeth,
"Your Rock and Roll Argonauts" "Les Pirates d'Honneur"