We Tried, But Turned Back
11 July 2016 | Dutch Harbor, Alaska
Sunday, July 10 It has been three weeks since we arrived at Dutch Harbor. It has been wonderful to be here. But, it is time to go. We have miles to go before the short season ends here, and we want to explore a bit. So, our intention was to leave today.
Now, the serious news. We left Dutch Harbor this morning, got into the outer bay, and proceeded to raise the mainsail. Then, Elisabeth saw a piece of hardware fall to the deck. It was the head of a bolt. Sheared off? No, it was corroded, but it got our attention. After all, we know people who, right at this moment, are motoring to Wake island for help because a mast fitting broke and left them dis-masted. If it came from above, is our rig in trouble? So, with a very heavy heart, we returned to our slip, and promptly climbed the mast to check, Annika, the great technician also had a look, even Elisabeth got hauled up for mast duty. Nothing was found, and the consensus is that the bolt had not held a load for years. All rig fittings, sail fittings, and mast fittings are secure. It is a mystery. So, then we studied the weather. Not as good as today, and it even goes northeast when we are traveling northeast, but it should be light, so unless we hear a severe warning on the weather before morning, we shall set off again tomorrow. Otherwise all is well, and we had a nice walk after the climbing followed by a nice dinner at the nearby pub.
Be Excellent to Each Other! Rod and Elisabeth,
"Your Rock and Roll Argonauts" "Les Pirates d'Honneur"