09 August 2010 | Port Angeles, WA
30 July 2010 | Port Angeles, WA - still
24 July 2010 | Port Angeles, WA
22 July 2010 | Port Angeles, WA
17 July 2010 | Port angeles, WA
16 July 2010 | Port Angeles, WA
13 July 2010 | Port Angeles, Wa
11 July 2010 | Port Angeles, Wa
10 July 2010 | Port Angeles, WA
10 July 2010 | Port Angeles, WA
08 July 2010 | Port Angeles, Wa (duh)
07 July 2010 | Victoria Harbor
05 July 2010 | Victoria B.C.
03 July 2010 | Roche Harbor San Juan Islands
30 June 2010 | Bedwell Harbor Poet's Cove Resort
28 June 2010 | MBVIBC
27 June 2010 | Maple Bay (still) but headed up to Chemanis
25 June 2010 | Maple Bay

Injection Pump Update

24 July 2010 | Port Angeles, WA
Ray here- Sunny
After a week now, and way too many hours in the engine room trying to figure out why our engine wouldn't start with the new pump... we finally had to surrender to calling in a specialist for the "no start" problem. Turns out that there were four seals shipped with the injector pump that were misplaced and not installed. Injection pumps in diesel systems are particularly vulnerable to any air leaks in the fuel feed system. No seals means air leaks...thus no start. We ordered a new set of seals (about $2.00 worth)...and they'll be here on Monday...we're about 99% sure this is the issue. Meantime, we're working on the boat taking care of the other issues.

Ray out for now.

Vessel Name: Pure Joy
Vessel Make/Model: Islander Freeport 41
Hailing Port: Seattle, Washington USA
Crew: Co-Captains Ray and Sandy
Retired July '09. This is our second sailboat together. Before, Sandy had a Morgan '38 which she sailed from Port Angeles around Puget Sound. Sandy has motored to Mexico in the 70's...and lived and worked on her own boat for 3 years in Alaska. [...]
Extra: We are happy to report we are actually doing exactly what we really really really really really want to do...(short of winning the lottery of couse :)...in any case...it's PURE JOY! HF Contact: KF7IDH

Sailing the Dream

Who: Co-Captains Ray and Sandy
Port: Seattle, Washington USA