29 June 2010 | San Diego Airport
14 June 2010 | Mission Bay, San Diego
31 May 2010 | Cab San Lucas, Mexico
27 May 2010 | Los Frailles
26 May 2010 | Los Muertos
25 May 2010 | Cerralvo Channel
23 May 2010 | Isla San Jose
22 May 2010 | La Paz, Mexico
16 May 2010 | Puerto Escondido
08 May 2010 | Santa Rosalia
06 May 2010 | Punta Pulpito
01 May 2010 | Puerto Escondido
A sad goodbye
29 June 2010 | San Diego Airport
Today brings a significant close to a phenominal story that began one year ago. I am in the airport staging for my return to Canada. I know that I will be back, but never to such an adventure.
We have seen unfathomable beauty, frightening weather, beaches proclaiming paradise, captivating sea life, and of course, grace. The best part of our journey? it has been the wonderful people we have met along the way.
Wherever you journey, and by whatever means, I hope for you that it is a wonderful adventure. Sail on...
If I can be of help to anyone reading this, please contact me at bramer@cityofgp.com
14 June 2010 | Mission Bay, San Diego
Maintenance projects have gone well. Boat bottom is painted, and saildrive (transmission) oil has been changed. Both of these projects require the boat to be out of the water. I also changed oil and filters on both engines and replaced a damaged fan belt and rad hose.
First Mate
13 June 2010 | San Diego

Dear CeCe, First Mate
I recognize the sacrifice you have made. You gave up everything to follow me on this crazy dream. I saw you sacrifice family, friends, home, and future to support me. You have honored me and we sailed off into my dream. I was King of the Sea. I had a glorious boat, but even better, my precious and beautiful family was with me. I was so proud to be doing it together with the three of you. For me it was pure joy to learn and experience together all of the changes in our new life.
I know that many times you were faced with consequences that were hard for you to bear. I apologize for putting you through a Northwest passage too late in the year, and not knowing better to prevent you that misery. I apologize for my selfishness on our trip and the many times I compounded your fears by pushing just a little more. I apologize for not comforting you more.
I really liked being with you. I am very proud of all of your learning and skill in the marine environment, a place you didn't desire. I am very proud of all of the responsibility you took on the boat and how much you participated. I am proud of how well we worked together, and how smoothly we could pull into a dock. Having all that skill meant that you could have pushed me overboard and sailed home to collect the insurance. Thank you for not doing that. I also really enjoyed your beauty; on deck and on the beaches.
So we are at a new beginning again. I want to commit to moving into your world. To pursue your hobbies, interests, and adventure. I want to slay your dragons. If life somehow consumes me and I don't accomplish this, pull out this letter of commitment and press me. If I am able to overcome my fears and uphold this commitment, pull me in deeper with your tender gentleness.
Your Captain
Hard nights sleep
11 June 2010 | San Diego
There will be no rocking on the boat tonight. Tenacious Grace is in a boat yard "on the hard" for maintenance and repairs.
08 June 2010 | San Diego
We have arrived safely in San Diego. It was a good trip. We felt several times the dreaded bash, and the difficulty of making forward progress. But we found ourselves in a weather window. Ideally, I would have enjoyed sailing more, but we had light winds and mysteriously calm seas. We accepted these conditions gratefully. We had days and days of gloriously flat seas undulating in a private dance. The skies stayed overcast, and I think I understood "No Line on the Horizon".

We travelled 816 nautical miles in 8 days and 7 hours. We stopped overnight 3 times at Mag bay, Turtle bay, and Ensenada. Now to boat repair and cleaning...
Journey towards home
31 May 2010 | Cab San Lucas, Mexico

I hated the crazyness of Cabo when we stopped over at the beginning of our trip so many months ago. Now, being here preparing for the trip back, I have actually come to enjoy it. Some of it is taking in the culture knowing that my days here are numbered. Some of it is the stark beauty of the place, even with the overdevelopment for the tourist industry. Some of it is romantic illusions of pirates and adventurers seeing some of the same beauty here hundreds of years ago.
Yesterday was a great day. I was quoted over $100 US for a taxi to the airport in San Jose and it would have really deteriorated as the Westjet flight from Canada was over an hour late. It took some gymnastics on my part, but I found a way to the airport and back on the local bus. My total fare was just under $6, and I had several hours to enjoy the more quaint seaside town of San Jose del Cabo. There, I found myself in a Spanish speaking church, it was an amazing experience and the people really extended love to me.
I feel as ready as I need to be and now have crew to assist. He will have a steep learning curve, but he is eager. Today is his Birthday. He reminds me of somebody else very special, who long ago also liked to get into boats...