The O-Dock partial reunion
03 February 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014 The O-Dock partial reunion
After a few days rest and well, some work, there we were, Saturday, at the airport again, eagerly awaiting Emily and Adam and John and Carol our friends from O-Dock back home. After a nice dinner ashore we headed out on Sunday, Jan 26th and motored our way over to Christmas cove. They had decided that they wanted an equal amount of sailing and snorkeling, so today we headed out to visit the fishes and turtles. In addition we were blessed with an amazing sunset…and the Green Flash..which Emily had never seen before! A special treat for the first day out.
Monday, Jan 27th we bumped our way up into the BVI’s, did our usual check in, and then headed off to the Bight. We had a great snorkel in the south corner, and found easily 2 dozen Tarpon, just hanging under the boat waiting for we don’t know what. But as they were not interested in us…no worries. We also saw a pair of squid, which are always cute. Later in the afternoon Emily taught Carol and I how to play hearts, which got funnier and funnier because of our skill level (none) and the fact that Emily’s rules started out a little flexible…We managed to laugh our way thru several hands and have a great time…which was the point anyway!
Tuesday, Jan 28th… Up the sails! And with Adam at the helm, and the boys trimming sheets we tacked our way up the channel all the way to the North Sound and Leverick Bay. What a sail! Adam found the sweet sailing spot and was able to tack her so the other boys had short work to trim in the jib and keep us making headway up the channel. We were making 7-8 knots plus and having a screaming good time. The YachtShots BVI guy was out in the channel today and so zipped around the boat taking photos of Regenero and our motley crew…a really great time.
When we got to Leverick Bay, I had to go to shore to meet the car rental, Carol for a freshwater shower and Adam to get some internet…by 4pm we were all enjoying happy hour and preparing for the Michael Beans show – which was great and we had a hard time dragging Emily back to the boat as she was ready to jump ship and join Michael’s show full time! We enjoyed dinner ashore and a terrific evening.
Wednesday, Jan 29th A day at the Baths
Right on Schedule (your welcome John) we piled into the dingy and headed to shore for a day on the island…First stop – the Baths, where we arrived around 8:30. They were not crowded at all (the point of arriving early) and we really enjoyed the hike thru with many photos stops. Jim and I were worried that this would be old hat for John and Carol, but as it turned out they had never been thru the trials, as the time they had been there before the weather was dirty. So this was new for them and Adam, and for the rest of us, well…we love it anyway! We also discovered you can walk all the way around past Devils Bay and right back around to the long Devils Bay trail, and back to the car park…so even for old salts…something new.
After the baths we headed down to Spanish Town, and checked out the harbor and shoppes. As Carol and John had been down here for a two year stint back in the 90’s this trip was a bit of a reminiscence for them to see again the places they had been, what had changed, and what was precisely the same. As we drove back across the island, stopping at various scenic overlooks (one where John managed to almost loose his hat in the wind) we climbed and climbed in our little Suzuki mini bus. Personally, I was a little worried….but it worked out OK, and with a few gasps (from the passengers) as we popped over one last rise, we found ourselves up at Hog Heaven with the North sound spread like jewels before us. It is a spectacular view, with great food and service…however, VERY windy…and because of the altitude we all were a little chilled by the time lunch was over. But still…well worth the effort to get here. After returning to the boat, we enjoyed the show with multiple boats coming in, all moorings full, and tons of people on the boats…the 50 ft monohull just next to us had 10 people aboard her…at one point when they were all piled in the cockpit together John said…it looks like a nest of worms over there. And the six of us, sprawled comfortably across the foredeck of the catamaran, laughed hilariously! We enjoyed watching the stars, practicing our conch blowing and listening to the Michael Beans show drift out from shore. Another really good day!
Thursday, Jan 30th On Johns Schedule
We headed out from the sound and under the Jib alone sailed straight down the channel back to Norman Island. And while Adam had raced us up the channel 6 tacks and 35 miles, John eased us down 20 miles, on a comfortable run until we landed at Privateer Bay, just outside the Bight. Again, did some snorkeling and then while the sun was setting the girls cooked a lovely pork dinner, with sweet peppers and pineapple salsa. While the meat was grilling we watched the sun sink into the sea with another Green Flash popping out to thrill us. Ahhhhhhh.
Once dinner was done, Emily sautéed up the remaining pineapple and we had it carmelized over pound cake…it is very nice to have a gourmet onboard.
Friday, Jan 31st Time to head back to Crown Bay.
After waving our goodbye to Norman Island, Carol took the helm and drove us along the south side of St. John in BIG swells all the way back to Crown Bay. Once docked, we headed over to attend to customs and then explored town for a while. Emily and Adam had honeymooned here on St. Thomas, um, a few years back, and so they enjoyed seeing the places and things they remembered from that special time.
For Dinner we headed to Bella Blue, in Frenchtown, and it was LOVELY. Good food, great service and a great way to spend our last night together.
Saturday, Feb 1st and its time for taxi’s to the airport…and Yogi says to me, ‘why you make everyone cry?’ We had a GREAT time this week…maybe it’s just cause two of them are heading back to Snow?