Regenero's Great Escape

06 February 2016 | Francis Bay, St John, USVI
31 January 2016 | Privateer Bay, Norman Island
16 January 2016 | Christmas Cove
07 January 2016
30 November 2015 | Puerto Del Rey, Puerto Rico
25 February 2015
04 February 2015
18 January 2015
11 January 2015
01 January 2015
31 December 2014
28 December 2014
18 December 2014
09 December 2014
06 December 2014

The Neighbors are coming!

04 February 2014
Tuesday, Feb 4th The Neighbors are coming!

Herman showed up this morning with our newly repaired wind display unit, in addition to installing that, he also transferred out our engine electric panels, which had so much sun damage they were basically chipping off in pieces. Good news, that’s done and we now have wind direction on the display unit, bad news…wind speed Still not working…looks like the cable needs to be replaced…Bugger it!

We rented a car and shopped today, along with Coleen and Bill, from Dolce Vita. Four of us and all our provisions packed into a Toyota Corolla…very fun with very fun people! First we drove over to Red Hook and had lunch at Molly Malone’s a place I have wanted to try. Then we made a Home Depot run and Cost-U-Less run. The corolla did the job, but everyone but me (since I was driving) ended up with bags on their laps on the way home. It’s ok…just the way we do things when we are cruising. Then the very fun process of trying to get Bill & Colleens dingy close enough to the dingy dock (can you say crowded?!), then loading all their stuff into the dingy, and pushing it back out into open water. Ahh, it’s the glamorous life of cruising!

Another treat today was John and Ginny from Wind Shepard showed up in Crown Bay to say hello, and to do laundry. We are hoping to spend more time lunching with them tomorrow.

And then, tomorrow afternoon, God willing…the neighbors will be here…and it’ll be a laugh a minute!

Vessel Name: Regenero
Vessel Make/Model: Lagoon 41 S2
Hailing Port: Chicago, IL
Crew: Jim & Karen Doyle
Jim retired from the legal field but continues to lecture and teach as an adjunct professor at several Universities both in Illinois and as well as a US MBA program in Eastern Europe. Karen is currently on hiatus from her job. [...]

Who: Jim & Karen Doyle
Port: Chicago, IL