Regenero's Great Escape

06 February 2016 | Francis Bay, St John, USVI
31 January 2016 | Privateer Bay, Norman Island
16 January 2016 | Christmas Cove
07 January 2016
30 November 2015 | Puerto Del Rey, Puerto Rico
25 February 2015
04 February 2015
18 January 2015
11 January 2015
01 January 2015
31 December 2014
28 December 2014
18 December 2014
09 December 2014
06 December 2014

Here we go again!

01 March 2014
Saturday, March 1, 2014

A lovely relaxing week...we headed to Christmas Cove, and just relaxed and watched the show...nice to be just by ourselves for a while, well a day or so at least, as OJ joined us on Monday and then we played together...and took care of some boat chores, but they are much more fun when we are all together, and then one little snorkel. But we enjoyed happy hour every night, and the beautiful sunsets two of which were Green Flash nights...bee-u-tiful!

We did have a little excitement on our trip over here. The winds were up and seas were big…6 to 8ft, and rolling in from the south east..a bumpy, bumpy ride. About ½ way there we saw a hobecat ahead of us, just zipping in the big winds. As we approached, she capsized, about 100 yds from our position. We grabbed the binoculars and discovered it was a man and a boy, maybe 8 years old, and although they were fine, the man was not able to right the hobe and was standing on the hull, while the little guy hung on to the back. We immediately headed out to them, and Jim moved us close enough to talk to him, and get ready to heave a line when the man saw the chase boat headed out our way from the resort 1.5 miles away, these guys were way out. We stood by and circled them three times while the chase boat reached us and was eventually able to right them, then get them back on their way sailing in toward shore. Both the guys on the hobe, and the chase boat waved they were OK and said Thanks to us.

So now, after spending a really easy week chilling at Christmas Cove with OJ it was back to the dock in Crown Bay on Friday for the usual chores. Our wind unit is still not working even after Jay, Noddy & Herman have had a confab about it and so, once again the display unit is off to take a little trip, and we have to sail the old fashioned way, with our senses.! However, Our daughter is coming in today, instead of tomorrow, as the new Midwest winter storm provided her the opportunity to advance her flights, so we should be off tomorrow to enjoy!
Vessel Name: Regenero
Vessel Make/Model: Lagoon 41 S2
Hailing Port: Chicago, IL
Crew: Jim & Karen Doyle
Jim retired from the legal field but continues to lecture and teach as an adjunct professor at several Universities both in Illinois and as well as a US MBA program in Eastern Europe. Karen is currently on hiatus from her job. [...]

Who: Jim & Karen Doyle
Port: Chicago, IL