Regenero officially put to bed
22 April 2014
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
We started the day on Sunday with breakfast and charting in the little restaurant at the hotel, and after spending the rest of Easter Sunday relaxing, as everything except food shops were closed for the holiday, we headed out to San Juan for dinner at The Cheesecake factory.
Monday found us going like mad again…planning, shopping, and for OJ, working with the various contractors attending to their boat chores. We met with Quino, who will be watching our boat while we are away and made arrangements for the chores we need attended to, then polishing stainless, finishing the windows, and checking off last minute chores. They will be power washing the boat bottom tomorrow, so we wait one more day to move, wrap and lock the dingy and then, it was to lunch and then to do more shopping. We spend hours at this task, and finally, after 2 hours at Walmart, we were so very done!
Today finds us following the same routine…and after starting out at the boatyard, we headed back to do a major shop at Costco, then back to the boat to offload the goods, and finally, with all the work down on Regenero’s bottom, we head over to move and secure our dingy, and with that final task…we consider Regenero officially put to bed for the season.