Regenero's Great Escape

06 February 2016 | Francis Bay, St John, USVI
31 January 2016 | Privateer Bay, Norman Island
16 January 2016 | Christmas Cove
07 January 2016
30 November 2015 | Puerto Del Rey, Puerto Rico
25 February 2015
04 February 2015
18 January 2015
11 January 2015
01 January 2015
31 December 2014
28 December 2014
18 December 2014
09 December 2014
06 December 2014

FFT - Day 8

27 October 2014
It's hard to say what is the best thing about Traveling to see friends. The trips are loaded with sharing old memories, and making new ones, seeing new locations, great fun and laughter....lots and lots of laughter.

After starting the Florida Freeloading Tour by spending 5 days in beautiful Naples with Roseann & Joe where we enjoyed touring the wonderful location, great restaurants, nice, warm & sunny pool time, and a spectacular beach sunset the day of the eclipse, we headed up to Cape Coral to join Dean and My Lisa! Oh boy! Four days in and we have met multiple new friends, had a boat ride, planned for another boat ride next weekend, enjoyed Lisa's amazing cooking, and took another long boat ride up the river, thru the locks to John and Sandi's house in Alva, who we have not seen for two years.

There is NO question that we LOVE southwest Florida, and will eventually spend a great deal more time here!!! And it's super fun to meet new people here, and mix up our friends by introducing this one to that one and the next thing you know.....all our friends are becoming friends!!

We live an incredible, amazingly blessed life!
Vessel Name: Regenero
Vessel Make/Model: Lagoon 41 S2
Hailing Port: Chicago, IL
Crew: Jim & Karen Doyle
Jim retired from the legal field but continues to lecture and teach as an adjunct professor at several Universities both in Illinois and as well as a US MBA program in Eastern Europe. Karen is currently on hiatus from her job. [...]

Who: Jim & Karen Doyle
Port: Chicago, IL