Regenero's Great Escape

06 February 2016 | Francis Bay, St John, USVI
31 January 2016 | Privateer Bay, Norman Island
16 January 2016 | Christmas Cove
07 January 2016
30 November 2015 | Puerto Del Rey, Puerto Rico
25 February 2015
04 February 2015
18 January 2015
11 January 2015
01 January 2015
31 December 2014
28 December 2014
18 December 2014
09 December 2014
06 December 2014

Pedro’s Escondite (Peter’s Hideaway)

30 November 2014
Sunday, Nov 30th
While Saturday was a chore day and a rainy one at that, Sunday dawned just beautifully and we joined Bobby and his black lab, Negrita for a trip up into the mountains near San Lorenzo. His friend Pedro has a nice parcel of land up here with a river running thru it. a 4 x 4 is a must for getting into this back country and the views are simply unbelievable! When we arrived there were perhaps 20 people already here, with children playing in the river, and on the rope swing, men in the outdoor kitchen, just above the river, cooking rice and green bananas, chicken and pork. We wandered around for a bit enjoying the company and the beautiful location, then walked up to the small (maybe 12 x 12) block structure that was original in the property. Pedro converted this into a small kitchen and bathroom, and added a second roofed open story above with a table, chairs & railing...just wonderful. I noticed the food smelling even better up here, and was informed there was also two turkeys and two slabs of ribs in the ovens...oh my!

Vilma & Wanda joined us here in their fantastic Jeep and after an amazing meal, where Wanda kept bringing us more and more yummy food we took a hike out and down to the waterfalls. Not far, just down the old access road (which looks more like a water runoff track), under the fence/gate, down across the river and into the cow meadow on the other side. One of the Bessie's over there took a serious shine to Negrita, and she keep up with us as we tramped thru the meadow, at one point calling to her field-mates to 'come and see the little black calf!' at least that is what her moo-moo-mooing sounded like to us. Past the meadow we cut back down to the river and into the most beautiful little river bend with the water pouring over the rocks in 4 spots like mini-waterfall / water therapy spouts. The trees rose all around 50 plus feet high, with huge broad-leafed plants and vines everywhere. Spectacular and peaceful, I could have stayed here all afternoon! While wandering around I took a step into the river into what looked like 8 inches of water, and sunk right down to my knee - Ahhh, quicksand! With Jim's help, I was able to shift around and free my leg, managed to retain my shoe as I dragged my foot up and out, and shortly I was back onto firm footing.

After a little while we headed back, thru the meadow, sans cows this time, across the river, under the fence, and back to Pedro's. There were some musicians also playing on the porch of the trailer there and we stayed a while as they played a tune as a memorial to Perdo's friend who passed way a few years before. As we left, watching Vilma drive that great jeep up and out say a 60 degree pitch to the main road was the cap to the day.

Traditional Music, Traditional food, beautiful views and wonderful, truly wonderful, welcoming people. As we told Bobby, Vilma & Wanda - Never before have we felt so warmly welcomed. We had a really great time and Pedro said we were welcome back anytime...I sure hope he means it, since we are already thinking about when we might get back up there. What a great day - and how truly fortunate we are to have made such incredible new friends.
Vessel Name: Regenero
Vessel Make/Model: Lagoon 41 S2
Hailing Port: Chicago, IL
Crew: Jim & Karen Doyle
Jim retired from the legal field but continues to lecture and teach as an adjunct professor at several Universities both in Illinois and as well as a US MBA program in Eastern Europe. Karen is currently on hiatus from her job. [...]

Who: Jim & Karen Doyle
Port: Chicago, IL